ADR-010 Repository Handover
Date: 26-04-2024
🤔 Proposed
With movement in teams, changes in team makeup and the ownership of components over time, teams have often had to take up ownership of code repositories that they did not originate. This can lead to issues if the code follows unfamiliar patterns or is in a different langauge to the one currently used by a team.
If the ownership of an opg code repository changes, the team who currently has ownership has a responsibility to conduct a handover meeting. Before which they should check that:
- the readme gives a clear introduction to the code, its purpose, testing and deployment pipeline
- all runbooks are up to date and correct
- any other documentation including diagrams are up to date and correct
Making sure all docs are up to date should make any future handover easier with each iteration.
The handover meeting should then be a point of exchange of ownership, giving the new team a chance to ask questions. The agenda should cover:
- An introduction to the repository
- Discussion of any gotchas and how the repo might diverge from expectations
- A questions and answers session for the new team
WebOps will only change the repository code owners to the new team and update the ownership metadata once this meeting has taken place.
Some repos may have been historically managed by teams who are no longer within the business. In which case it is the responsibility of the business area technical architect to prepare the handover meeting to the best of their ability and digital archaeology skills. In this case new teams should make checking the readme and documentation a priority.
We will not have situations where teams have inherited code repositories they do not understand.
There is additional overhead to the handover process and handover must be explicit.