Joiners Movers Leavers
The majority of our Joiners/Movers/Leavers processes can be carried out by using the opg-org-infra Terraform to assign permissions. Some tools like Jira or product-specific admin tools may require additional work. In general the JML process will be a combination of Delivery Manager and WebOps work at the delivery team level.
New Developer or WebOps team members will need:
- GitHub Organisation Access (this is handled by Operations Engineering)
- GitHub Delivery Team Membership (via opg-org-infra)
- AWS Access
- Membership of their delivery teams GitHub team
- Access to Jira and Confluence
- Any team-specific admin tool access needed in their role (for example, the DigiDeps Admin Site).
When staff move between teams remember to:
- Move their GitHub team memberships
- Remove product level AWS access.
- Remove any team specific access to GDS services like Notify or Pay
- Close any PRs
If they are moving to another part of MOJ, this should be treated as leavers and follow below:
- Remove GitHub memberships and close any open PRs
- Remove AWS access
- Remove Jira and Confluence access
- Remove Snyk access
- Remove any team-specific product admin tool access
- Remove any team specific access to GDS services like Notify or Pay
If leaving MOJ as a whole:
- Make sure Digital account shutdown is followed via Service Now
- Ensure Laptop return is followed
This page was last reviewed on 31 January 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 24 April 2024
by the page owner #opg-webops-community
This page was set to be reviewed before 24 April 2024
by the page owner #opg-webops-community.
This might mean the content is out of date.